Monday, February 4, 2013

BUILDING YOUR FITNESS from the ground up!

Recently I've heard quite a few friends mention that they don't do any exercise but they would like to start incorporating some into their life. For many people it might have been years since they have purposefully set out to do any kind of physical activity and quite often it's the concept of it that's more off putting than how they feel once they actually begin.

Firstly, I'll let you in on a few home truths when it comes to exercise;
  • Exercise does NOT have to be complicated!
  • Exercise does NOT have to be in a GYM!!
  • Exercise does NOT need all your time and energy!
  • Exercise does NOT need to be BORING!
  • Exercise does NOT need to be alone!
Keeping this is mind there are definitely people out there who prefer to exercise alone, there's also those that do enjoy working out in a gym and there's also people who spend every spare moment they have exercising. This however may not be you and that's ok.

I actually enjoy getting out for a run or a walk alone a few times a week to be with my thoughts and just have time away from people. I spend this time not needing to talk to anyone and some days I'm not even thinking about anything other than how good it feels to be outdoors and have some free time in the fresh air. It's also nice though to have times when I exercise with other people like my boys, my husband or my friends. We go for jogs, use the exercise equipment in the park, go bodyboarding, dancing, swimming and all sorts of things. That kind of exercise is generally less intense but I find I can do it for a good hour or more and not see it as much more than just catching up and having fun. Hence the reason I like to change it up and keep it interesting.

If you want to start a new exercise regime but struggling to know how and what you should be doing then perhaps try walking to first build your fitness levels. Many people can spare at least 15 minutes most days taking a walk around their neighbourhood. First work out your general circuit and how long it takes you to walk it. Then as the weeks progress try pushing the circuit out to be a little longer so you're walking slightly longer or for the same time but at a faster pace. Once you feel your fitness levels building then try to include some short jogging bursts into your routine. Don't forget that changing your route or walking different places (like along the water, in the bush or in your friend's neighbourhood with their company) can help to keep things from getting too boring.

Don't forget that exercise comes in many disguises. How long since you've gone Ice-skating or roller skating? How about dancing or swimming? Buy yourself a cheap bodyboard and take to the beach, riding the waves in and wading back out again. It's amazing how good a workout you'll get whilst having fun at the same time! Bushwalking is another great form of exercise and can be quite fun in a group or with another person. Try something new each week or at least each month and surprise yourself with all the new fun things you can do to keep your body moving!

I'll be posting soon with some hints and tips on correct walking and running techniques, troubleshooting injuries and ailments and clever tips of choosing the right workout gear!

Below is my new prized pair of running shoes. I've already managed to run 30kms in these little beauties in only 8 days! Goes to show how much inspiration you can get from a new pair of joggers!

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